23007 Athletic Facility

Dance Studio perfect for polelates, mirrored walls, attached is an area for ring and fabric aerial training. Comfortable, neutral toned seating area in the waiting room.

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11005 Restaurant

This vibrant and colorful restaurant features modern furnishings and industrial high ceilings with wood and metal accents. The main seating area is filled with restaurant table and booth seating as…

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9041 Ranch Part 3 of 3

This large ranch property located in Altadena, CA is surrounded by natural landscapes and raw land with mountain views. This property features tons of found objects, a gypsy style tent,…

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12011 Office

This chiropractic office comes complete with trendy waiting room, front desk, and several offices with massage tables and back roller machines. The back area is a gym that can be…

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9041 Ranch Part 2 of 3

This large ranch property located in Altadena, CA is surrounded by natural landscapes and raw land with mountain views. This property features tons of found objects, a gypsy style tent,…

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9036 Ranch

This fantastically colorful ranch property located in Malibu, CA is surrounded by lush landscapes with a tropical beach vibe. The interior features bright colorful decorations and furnishings. The kitchen is…

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9039 Ranch

Sprawling lawns with stone paved walkways and stunning natural mountain landscapes welcome you into this country themed vineyard and ranch property. This location features a country themed tasting room with…

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11008 Restaurant

This Westlake Village restaurant and bar features elegant design for a classy night out. Complete with wine racks, booth and table seating, as well as mirror and wall paper decor…

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